Friday 13 September 2013

Welcome to Gordon Rowlands Fishing Memories


My recent sally forth into recording my fishing exploits in the form of a blog has rather surprisingly attracted a following of sorts, including my brother–in law Gordon Rowland; the very man who first took me fishing and changed my life.

Gordon in reading my blog was “inspired” to write down his own memories, feeling his days of the “last cast” – just one more cast at the setting sun, were nearing.

Feeling he was too long in the tooth to learn how to get it on line, he asked me to look at his scribbles and post for all to read.  He had concerns that failing memory would leave those scribbles at best boring to most, and in some cases be inaccurate.

My personal view is he has undersold  himself, typical of a very modest man.  I was tempted to over edit and add in some thoughts and memories of my own of the wonderful moments those unrepeatable moments of joy we have shared  together in handling some of nature’s most beautiful creatures …. Fish.

That would be unfair this is his story….. read on and recall the names and times of the past.  If I have anything to add I will put a few lines in the epilogue.


  1. Up and running bruv, glad you decided to do this. Its important to archive memories for future generations

  2. Gary and Gordon - thanks so much for sharing your memories. I have regularly fished the Salisbury Angling Club waters over the last 10 years so found the history fascinating. Thanks again

